Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Abu Ghraib
This picture scared me. Because I never wanted to see people be treated like that, no matter their color. So to think our world was like that back in the day, makes me happy we have equal rights for everyone now. And to torture someone is so bad because torturing someone is cruel.

Viet Cong execution
This picture makes me feel like i'm in a mob war and someone didn't pay them money so now they kill them. Its sad to me to think people will kill them so cold. And even if that man isn't innocent, its still terrible to shoot and kill them like that.

Vietnam napalm attack
This picture look like to me that these kids are being taken away from their family or either left behind in the war and the guards are taking them or they are being taken to fight. Either way its so sad to me to see these kids have such a tough life because kids are supposed to be happy.. I am truley sad for them. 


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